Question of the DayAre the Jets serious playoff contenders ?
The Lions Finally Win....And I'm not surprised. I called this one from the start. The Skins only put up 9 points against the Rams.... the Rams!!! I don't know what's going on in DC but Zorn needs to get things together quickly! I do have to give Detroit some credit though. They aren't looking too bad these days.
The Bengals beat the Steelers?
The champs seem to be suffering from a big Super Bowl hangover. Well no one saw this one coming. Carson Palmer is an experienced quarterback and Chad is a great receiver but I'm still scratching my head about this game. I guess the tables are turning. It happens every year. I'm not giving up on the
Steelers because we have a lot of football to go but everyone needs to keep an eye on
Cincy. They like being the underdogs. It fuels
thie fire.
Btw I loved
Ochocinco's appearance on the
MNF pre-game show... free entertainment. Oh wait I have to pay for my cable. Damn.
They are who we thought they were...Kermit the Frog Impersonators. Maybe Coach Mora should have gone off on the people that decided to dress the
Seahwaks in those hideous uniforms. I really do feel bad for
Olindo Mare but he needs to make every kick, especially if it's under 50 yards. Nevertheless, Mora didn't throw Mare under a bus, he threw him under a train. His rant reminds of former NFL coach. Can you guess which one I'm talking about. Yes, it's Dennis Green....
Hmmm I guess green stands out in the NFC West.
Good Kitty, Bad Kitty
Carolina just looked bad last night. Jake
Delhomme is either on or completely off. I know that the team has a few injuries but that's the NFL. You just have to keep on moving. Things aren't looking too good for Carolina, especially since Mr.
Brees is in their division. By the way, the kids from the Big Easy put up 27 points and Drew
Brees didn't even throw a touchdown pass! Carolina needs to channel it's inner kitty cat and bring out the claws. Besides, Steve Smith doesn't look as hot when he's angry.
"The Catch" Favre was able to rally the
Viks back with a miracle throw but I don't think that he should get all the glory. Greg Lewis made an amazing catch. He knew where he was in the end zone and he got his feet down. I tip my hat to Mr. Lewis. And yes
Favre still has his magic. As a Bears fan I'm thrilled....
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The Eagles are down to
three quarterbacksGet Well Soon....We wish
Stafon Johnson all the best
Felix Jones is hurt again... and he's been doing so well
Random Stuff
Why is the 10 o'clock news talking about Christmas ? It's only September. This comment has absolutely nothing to do with football. Sorry.